How To Make a 3 Tiered Cake Stand For Less Than $10

Step 1. Find an assortment of gorgeous patterned plates in graduated sizes from your local Op shops and Garage sales for only $1! This step is important, you are doing these on the CHEAP remember!

Step 2: Find a gorgeous Mr. Fixit to make these for you while you are super busy making cakes.  Biting lower lip while concentrating is completely optional.

Step 2: Drill holes dead centre of each plate using a power drill and drill bits the same size as your stand screws. You need to do this using a little water on the plate, pressing down *very* slowly and steadily or something like this will happen:

This will very likely happen quite a few times actually, so it's best to practice on your not so best plates.

UPDATE!  Since typing this tutorial, we have discovered 'diamond drill bits' which get the drilling done much easier without any breaks.  These drill bits can be purchased at hardware stores.

Step 3: Your stand kit will come with several plastic O rings, a metal O ring and metal bolt. The bolt goes on the bottom, underneath the plate, along with the metal O ring. Then the bottom plate and a plastic O ring before you screw on the first gold stand. Make sense? See below.

Make sure you put all the plastic O rings in between the plates and stands as this protects the plate from the metal. Screw all stands in semi tightly and securely. Not 'He-Man' too tight or this might crack your plate!

Step 4: Wash everything thouroughly and admire your gorgeous new cake stands!

I prefer my plates to be mismatched but in the same color range.

They get HEAPS of comments, be prepared to take orders from your friends!  These also make gorgeous presents...and cheap ones too!

Cake stand parts:
Australian supplier:  My E Room  This is my cheapest outlet I have found at $4 per stand set.
USA supplier:  I Wonder Too  An average of $8 USD per stand set.
Etsy search engine brings up these.
Plates: Sourced from Op shops, freebie boxes at Op shops, Garage sales.  Nothing cost me more than $3.

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