PVA as a Basecoat

So the PVA phenomenon has pretty much changed heavy glitter mani's to BLAH to HELLYA!

The husband has a little concern that PVA is cargenogenic, but I haven't found any Google evidence to back this up....any thoughts?

Basically you squirt your PVA glue into an empty polish bottle and paint it on your nails in lieu of a base coat. It paints on as white, as pictured above, and dries clear. When it's dried you can glitter to your hearts content.

When you are sick of your glitter, you can simply list a corner on your nails and voila! It comes off in one piece. No foil method or heavy rubbing with acetone needed.

This was 3 coats of Sally Hansen Gem Crush, Glitz Gal with a coat of Seche QD. Unfortunately, it lasted about 15 hours....the temptation to peel was too great!!

Who else is going to PVA now for all their glitter mani's?

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